This title was published in September 2013. Pricing
To find out where to purchase this book, click here. Synopsis: This book provides both a starting point for those wishing to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in marine biology for the first time, and a reference guide for more experienced users. It written for marine biologists by a marine biologist, and provides information on using GIS explicitly for those working in this field. This second edition has been updated for ArcGIS 10.1. Detailed Description: This book takes a novel approach to teaching GIS, which, while it may seem unfamiliar at first, provides a quick and easy route into GIS. It aims to provide an introduction to the practical application of GIS in marine biology. While this information is provided in a logical order, the book is not designed to be read from cover to cover. Rather, it is designed so that chapters covering individual subjects, or instructions for specific tasks, can be read or used as stand alone units as required. It is divided into three sections. Section one provides just enough background information to allow you to get started with GIS without getting too bogged down in GIS theory or making common mistakes. This information is provided in easy-to-read and non-technical language with specific reference to its application in marine biology. Section two, which constitutes the main body of the book, consists of a ‘How To...’ reference guide for doing tasks that marine biologists are likely to need to be able to do in their daily research using ESRI’s ArcGIS 10.1 software. This information is provided in easy-to-follow instruction sets based on flow diagrams (rather than the traditional screenshot-based approach) that allow you to complete each task with the minimum of reference to other parts of the book. As a result, it is designed to be dipped into as and when needed. The final section provides additional useful reference material including a guide to using extensions in ArcGIS 10.1 and a guide to useful tools in ArcGIS 10.1. The following previews from this book can be viewed by clicking on the links below:
Introduction and Chapter 2 (The Basics of GIS) Beginning Of Chapter 13 (How To Set Up A GIS Project) Beginning Of Chapter 14 (How To Add Data To A GIS Project) Beginning Of Chapter 15 (How To Edit Existing Point, Line And Polygon Data layers)
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